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its winslow leach. again. kinda.

May 26, 2023

its in the title. i made winslow again. heres the old version from like 3 years ago.
but im not making the movie version again. no no.
oh no nooo
i made a felting of him based on the way i draw him in a bunch of comics.
which look NOTHING like the movie him.

and then i shoved him in a box with the EGGS to send to eggs. dear friend eggs.
has eggs.
and leach man.


lean front lean side lean back

plier one plier eye plier none

ruler new old

yeah the new bitch is taller.


maskey hair color pile body core

ok so the starting out was a piece of mask makers hair, which i completed only a couple days prior. the hair was excess material.
so i tore it up because its good enough for the colors i needed for leach man.

leg shape heel foot hot dames


didnt bother making arms because half the time i draw him in comics dont have arms.
and is also just less effort on mmy part. taking shortcuts.

colorless done

and. done. only like some 5 hours. dont do that.


only 6 times


for after he and the eggs arrived at Eggs.

he here new home


Glamour Shot!1!

egg lay egg sit

and. yeah.
thats all.
