AHU Back


april 16, 2023

-[DESCRIPTION: Philbin stands next to his boss, he's looking at him while swan is looking up.
he decides to also look up. the two of them are staring at the phantom, who is staring back.

"NOW would you tell me who this is?" philbin gestures towards the phantom. "who?" swan asks nonchalantly.
"YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WHO IM TALKING ABOUT" philbin screams into his face.

"wait..." phantom takes a turn to speak, "he never told you about me?" "of course not."
philbin respond, his hands wringing tightly around swans neck, "im tired" and the expression on his face proves it.

Phantom stares down, barely containing himself. he now speaks through clenched teeth, "are you gonna bite him, or may I indulge?"

Philbin holds up swan by the throat, "oh please do so" his expression immediately changes to mirthful joy,
"in fact, I feel it better to share." and then the two of them take an arm of swans each by
their teeth and start ripping him apart like two dogs over fresh meat]-

*ripping paper sfx*