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Ricky the cat

July 6, 2023

"who the fuck is ricky?"
is kitty cat.

a friends of a friends cat. saw some photos and thought "fuck it ill make a cat."
wasnt necessarily to be OF ricky specifically, but like.
cmon. both were brown(?) tabbies.
might as well.

spent some five hours on this and didnt bother with tallying up how much i stabbed myself.
and then i gave it to the friend when we saw eachother for the first time in fucking forever.


side left be frontin

right p feets back

ruler dangle hold

is size of thumb. thats it. approximate.
not much else to say.

hand horse thumb

I didnt bother doing the whole "go outside and take glamor shots" because hot heat weather. weakness.


core head skin fuz

Dug through the scraps and pieces for what i can use. there was a piece of core that was about the size and shape of a marshmellow.
and i suppose looked like it because white stuff.
"good enough"
used that to be what will be the body.
and made a little ball that will be the head
then used some of the leftover colors from the Tahki.

tail do ear off ear on

stripe d stripe b




I was actually gonna have some toes per foot, but i got 2 made and realized that it would have made
the belly area too cluttered of detailed. and that the small parts would just sink right into the white wool.
so just opted for the 4 big pads.
as for the two toes i did make, i just had them become the eyes.

staight curl

after knowing that cats do let the tail out even when everything else of the body is tucked in
for the loafing shape, i was able to do some fun with the tail.
made it be sticking traight up, and then the end curl in a bit. like how the canes do.
because its like the whole thing of how cats communicate with body language.
"friend ! friend ! !!!"

face sit lay

and then. yeah. thats that. done.
would estimate some 50 stabs.

in sealed

stuffed ricky into a paper roll to be as gift box.
good bye.