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Rave Bat

August 28, 2023

hey so remember at the dragon felting I had those wings that I've set aside because they were too large
for Janice as I wanted her wings to be "comically small" and said something about how I'll use the wings
on a different felting project?


here is what I used those wings for.

A bat of an undetermined species that I had frankly wasn't basing off any one type, but rather just using a
loose platonic idea of "bat". yknow what I mean?
well, for anything this bat is a micro insectivore rather than a fruit eater.
so like. theres thjat I suppose.


(EDIT) oh yeah i forgot to slap eyes on. when i did notice i realized i could just.
be literal with the phrase "blind as a bat".
and besides itll make the head too busy with parts and details. would REALLY gotta squeeze it in with the ears in the way.


up face side

flap maw fur

left front top

plier hand

length wigth chew

and with the size of being... fuckign whatever. i dont know.
i wasnt paying attention to any sort of measurments.


rubber band to stress the fibers into keeping wings folded and ears back.

rocklo flat stand

sit climb lay

rckfce hold bench

branch stump dogwd

black berry

blue berry

fly land



wings peanut base

so the star of the show, the wings. all prepped up nice and ready.
and then make the base of the body, a little peanut shape and then cover the base a bit.
further on cannibalizing the klause hood of course.

arcade bodyhead moldy

the original idea was to go with a sort of "arcade carpet" shenanagins thing of the pelt, and then make the head all blotchy.
but turns out i like the blotchy look more than the carpet.
looks like. moldy bread.
as to what ill do with the unused tile of the arcade carpet? TBA.

wingtear extend ear wets

sure i could have just attached the wings onto the body as is,
but i know damn well the nerd iside will be screaming.
so i extended the membrane with the pink that was unused for the dragons belly.
and then made the ears.

pelt toes

make the little feetsies. put the thumb onto the wings.


bat chunks.

jaw teeth cheek

sudden idea came of "what if i give the bat a functioning mouth?" a jaw that i can open and close.
the thing sticking up from the jaw is the tongue.
the bat will forever be blepping.

nose ear dry ears on

putting the noseleaf on. then the ears.

head legs legs on

tail wingles winging

onewing both done




stab counter: 188. average. didnt bleed that much.
took a pause to make a few smaller feltings between.

/|\ ^._.^ /|\

