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pile of some fucking fruits*

October 16, 2023

*not that the fruits ARE fucking.

made some fruits. and some not botanically classified as fruits.
food stuff.
small simple shapes.
without the ●◡● face
that face is goddamn everywhere on any sort of food stuff toy.


some photos here are rather blurry and thats because the phones camera would focus on everything but.
and too low energy to give a shit on any more than what shits i already have given.

and you can see the core peeking from under the skin here and there, it was a purposeful thing.
humble myself with the imperfections and not tickle over a detail too long.

crowd spaced

hand hold pile


banana 1 banana 2

jalapeno (i dont know how to get the accent mark of the n on this keyboard)

jalapeno1 jalapeno2


garlic1 garlic2 garlic3


peach1 peach2

pear1 pear2


eggplant1 eggplant2


fig1 fig2


pumpkin1 pumpkin2 pumpkin3


mango1 mango2 mango3

spring onion

spring1 spring2


tomato1 tomato2


meat1 meat2 meat3


asparag1 asparag2


apple1 apple2 apple3


melon1 melon2

lemon (its now as i type this i noticed lemon and melon are anagrams)

lemon1 lemon2

bell pepper

pepper1 pepper2



thats... *counts* 17 of these bitches.


alright so the thing about the wips is that i didnt realy do much of a step by step
thing that i usually do with my feltings, but instead i just
took the photos after i was done sculpting.

yeah sure theres a few actual wips. that i do show a progression... but only few.

you can see the notecard i use to tally mark my stabs in the background of some photos
progressively get more and more filled out. each fruit stabbed me at least more than a couple times.

banana jalapeno garlic

pear peach day 1

day one. the peach was really kicking my ass that i had to give up and go back like 3 times

eggplant fig pumpkin1

pumpkin2 mango day 2

day two. yeah "garlic" and "pumpkin" are really just the same model with different skins on.

spring1 spring2 tomato

drumstick asparagus day 3

drumstick leg meat, everyones favorite fruit. tomato was tiny because red wool is revered.

apple melon lemon1

lemon2 pepper1 pepper2

pepper3 pepper4 day 4

and thats all of them. apperently purple bellpeppers exist. neat.


stab counter, 96. opposite of the funny number.

aaaand uh. yeah. thats it. see ya love yall buh bye.