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fish bread

October 26, 2023

Hey remember the cat friend i mentioned here and there? yeah you do.
made yet another figurine for em.

Garnered an affinity for piroshki that are stuffed with salmon and cream cheese.
which by that the bread is shaped like a fish.
rather cute, innit? yeah it is.

so to that, I decidedd to make a little fish bread trinket. and because is birthday coming for cat friend.
fishbread is in cahoots with the saladman.


side top belly

back flat

palm hold

stone wood cloth


da saladman :) ^.^


rose moss grill


scrap core shape

the usual affair, get a core going, get core into base, refine base into skinless shape.

skin wrap tie

then get the bread skin on.

nose rope loop

getting that seam thingy going, where the bread folds over itself to hold the everything in. i suppose that in a way
its a bit like the lateral line that fish got. how quaint.

seam eyes done

and the finishing detail- the eyes.

braid clip chain

and then the actual finishing detail.
i wanted to do some kind of key chain thing, but didnt have any spare chains lying around, so i graped some
string and braided it up a bit, and then broke a paperclip to twist around. dabbed some glue to cover sharp ends.
i thought if just having the yarn as is, but then figured that the wool of the fish will rub against the
fibers of the yarn, so maybe best to have a sort of collar on as the inbetween.

and so. yeah. thats that.


stab counter- 11. average.